Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Bed, the sheets and pillows

Ah, to sleep. To rest. Ha. What's that? Some mythic form of being not busy where in the end you feel rejuvinated? Rejuvination... I'm in that kind of place today. Maybe it was the gorgeous weather. The sun kissed the Earth and the wind played innocently with the trees. And wow... that was... way too new-agey for this hour. Or for me.

Can you tell I'm kind of just going with the posting flow and writing without stopping? Writing without borders. Well... there are... just less of them tonight.

Speaking of new leaves and turning them over... a stretch on the metaphor...

... ooh, iTunes, you sneaking devil; I was not expecting Skynyrd before bed. Nice. Simple Man. A good closing song I think.

... back to the new.

I've done a little house cleaning. Both offline and on. Here at the blog, I've updated some of my pictures above. Some of those pictures were tired. If pictures can be such a thing. But they didn't reflect my life at the moment. Now they do. In fitting with that, I updated my blog recommendations along the side there. And I sorted them out a bit better.

This all started with the office getting an overhaul. Now the blog was spruced up. To complete my online upgrade, I've finally purchased a domain for the blog. Eventually this the old blogspot address will redirect to And I am stoked about that. Stoked.

Skynyrd has taken a bow. And iTunes, I lay thee to rest until the 'morrow.

And where the frak did that pithy talk come from? It must be late. Synapses firing at will. I can't be held responsible for what comes out. Shadayim! (some of you will get that joke reference... some won't, it's okay).

So where was I?

Sorry if this is coming across all business-like tonight. I guess the point was that I'm still in that rejuvenating mode. The house, the blog, the body (no, I STILL haven't gone to the gym, but Thursday's the day, I can feel it!)... and this is probably my way of bracing for the arrival of another anniversary of my time on this planet. Yes, my birthday is coming soon. More will be mentioned.

I love birthdays. But this one has me thinking. Not so nervous about the age, it's not a milestone really. But it's one of those penultimate birthdays. My last year of my twenties begins next Tuesday. And while I've gone on record as not holding much stock in that whole concept that certain things must be established by the time you're blah blah blah... I can't help but feel a drive to set some goals and, well... maybe grow up a little.

Maybe that's it. I'm ready to be a grown up (to an extent). And it's time to really take strides towards that goal. The housecleaning is just one of the baby steps. Hitting the gym goes along with that. From there... well, there's more... but it's later than it should be and I should be asleep before the clock strikes twelve if I ever truly hope to see the gym from the inside tomorrow.

My warm, albeit empty bed beckons. I bid thee good night. Dream not of today.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, Burton (it doesn't feel right calling you that), the big question is - did you make it to the gym today?

    And thanks for the link!

    Now I'm off to experience the bed, the sheets, and pillows. Happy sigh...


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