Sunday, March 16, 2008

Waves Crashing on the Beach

I'm a little bit crazy sometimes. Some would laugh at the thought. I'm not. Many years of doing what I was told, when I was told, and having just enough fear of legal or (worse) parental repercussions, that I would step back and not take the leap, so to speak.

And that is not always a bad thing. No, do not misinterpret my ramblings. Thinking things through is often a wise course of action and I would say that it has saved my hide more oft than naught. But on the occasion where the leap would have only resulted in a wicked tale of fun and galavanting, or where I would have maybe felt more alive than people tend to feel during the day to day without all the messy consequences, I still tend to err on the side of... well... lame.

And so I want to jump into a lake. Yes. A lake. The large one a few miles to my east at that moment. Why? Because it's cold out. It's crazy. And it's a story to tell and a moment of reckless abandon without the reckless, or much true abandon. Baby steps people. Baby steps.

A while back, I posted a ... damn repetition... a wrote a post about a trip to another lake and aired my first video blog in which Keaton randomly decided to jump into Lake Erie. No reason. It was there. He wanted to do it. And I know it's just odd, and maybe a guy thing, or maybe our best-buddy rivalry, but when he did that, I remember thinking that I wish I'd thought of it first.

It was spontaneous and crazy. And yeah... some might say that it was JUST jumping into a lake and how is that really intense or anything... but to me it was. I'm the one who holds back on most things. For fear of what? I don't know. Maybe what other people will think. Maybe what other people will say. Maybe a fright that I might... gasp... mildly injure myself.


Again, not really advocating inappropriate, illegal stuff here. But jumping in a lake. Being silly. Yeah... that's a way to put it. I'm not silly. I'm too serious. And I feel like being silly.

We shall see. I might. Keaton keeps mentioning it and I don't want to take away from his spontanreous acts of communing with nature. But I want to be silly. We shall see.

Do me a favor. Do something silly today and let me know what it was.

Our friends think we are crazy. I have not mentioned them as I do not have monikers for them yet. Those are still forming and I'll figure them out soon. But the ladies have at least promised to get footage of any lake jumping silliness, so, IF anything happens... another vlog might have to happen too.

Okay... heading off for another day of adventures. I'll catch up with you on St. Patrick's Day.


  1. I'll jump with you. It sounds fun. :)

  2. It's not "silly" per se, but last Wed. on the way to Curtain, I vandalized the UDF on Hamilton Road. I filled up my tank, went in to get tea, came back out and drove away...with the gas pump and hose still in my car. Pump #7 is now brand spankin' new! You're welcome! :)

  3. Oh, I've missed reading you. Your words have a soothing effect on me.

    I remember that vlog of Keaton jumping in the lake. It would be great to see one that shows you doing something silly...silliness a la Burton.

    I've done nothing silly today. I should.


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