Thursday, June 03, 2010

The View from Valdez

Recently returned from an amazing trip to Valdez, Alaska, where I attended the Last Frontier Theatre Conference. The annual event, which just wrapped its 18th year, brings together hundreds of theatre artists -- playwrights, actors, directors, producers -- for 10 days of readings, workshops, performances, and fun. I was honored to attend this year's conference with my fellow Theatre Daedalus playwrights Michael Parsons and Jaclyn Villano. Peter Roth, one of our regular collaborators also made the Conference this year. Here are a few photographs from the trip.

Michael, Jaclyn, and me enjoy some of the last frontier.

The cast of my show, Twisted Tales. A huge thanks to Jerry, Darcy, Nathan, Karina, Scott, and Muriel for tackling these roles. And special thanks to Michael for directing.

Wayne Mitchell (left) is a talented actor and I was thrilled to read with him in the Play Slam at the Conference

I had the pleasure of directing the reading of Jaclyn's beautiful script, Unanswered, We Ride, and here we are getting set up. Thanks to Joy, Luke, Sarah, and Anya for being a wonderful cast.

Here I am with two talented writers, playwrights Reginald Edmunds and Jaclyn Villano, at the champagne reception. Reggie is an alum of the Ohio University MFA Playwriting Program where Jaclyn and I begin our studies this Fall.

The sun felt closer in Alaska, so we made sure to be prepared. Michael brought his collection of plays Dis/Connect to the festival and it was a triple pleasure to see my friend's work read, to see him on stage, and have him direct my plays during the conference.

Alaska is an incredible place. I could post more photos, but I urge you to visit yourself and experience it.

If you're into theatre and can find a week in June 2011, I recommend the Conference for your summer plans. It was an absolutely fun time and grand adventure. Thanks, Alaska, for the memories.

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